3. To set daylight saving time, set [Daylight Saving Time] to [On].
If an SNTP server is not available
You can notify the printer of the time set on the computer using the following
1. Display the Printer Status Window.
"Printer Status Window"
2. Select [Preferences (Administrators)] from the [Options] menu.
3. Select [Always] in [Monitor Printer Status], and then select the
[Notify the Printer of the Time] check box.
Time Zone: The standard time zones of the world are expressed globally in terms
of the difference in hours (± up to 12 hours) from GMT* (± 0 hours). A time zone
is a region throughout which this time difference is the same.
* The time at the Greenwich Observatory in England is called GMT (Greenwich
Mean Time).
Daylight Saving Time: In some countries and regions, time is advanced throughout
the summer season.
Proceed to
Step 7
Configuring the Multicast Discovery Settings
Multicast discovery
This is a function that searches for certain devices using Service Location Protocol (SLP).
By using the multicast discovery function, you can search for only the devices whose values in
[Scope Name] are verified, using the service location protocol (SLP) from utility software, such as
NetSpot Device Installer.
Specify the settings for [Multicast Discovery Settings].
if you do not specify the settings for the other options.