Nokia Customer Care
Connect the probe to R7519.
TX VCO control voltage VC should be constant DC-voltage between 0.7 - 3.8 V. DC voltage level
should change if TX channel is changed. VC is lower on lower channels and higher if higher
channel numbers are used. VCP2-voltage ok?
WCDMA transmitter has to be active before VCP2 voltage can be measured. Procedure is explained
in section "Transmitter troubleshooting".
Measurement can be done with an oscilloscope and a probe.
Connect the probe to C2221 (or C7550).
VCP2 voltage should be about 4.75 V. C7550 short-circuited?
Check that components are in place and solder joints are ok
Disconnect the power supply from the phone and use an ohmmeter to check that C7550 is not
short-circuited. If short-circuit is found replace the capacitor mentioned above. If this does not
help go to the next step. Retu ok? Vinku (N7501) ok? Vinku (N7501) RB_EXT voltage ok?
WCDMA transmitter has to be active before Vinku's RB_EXT voltage can be measured. Procedure is
explained in section "Transmitter troubleshooting".
Measurement can be done with an oscilloscope and a probe.
Connect the probe to R7521.
RB_EXT voltage should be 1.325 – 1.375 V. VREFRF01-voltage ok?
Measurement can be done with an oscilloscope and a probe.
Connect the probe to R7503.
VREFRF01 voltage should be 1.325 – 1.375 V. Typical value is 1.35 V. Desolder R7503. Is VREFRF01 voltage still wrong?
Remember to solder a new component to R7503 pads after measurement. Capacitors C7518, C7520 and C7570 working correctly?
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Appendix A: RF Troubleshooting