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Nokia 6680 RM-36 Service Manual page 279

Mobile terminal
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Appendix A: RF Troubleshooting Replace balun T7502 GSM1800/GSM1900: Replace attenuator R7512 Does GSM PA (N7502) transmit RF-power at all?
GSM transmitter has to be active before measurements. Procedure is explained in section
"Transmitter troubleshooting".
Set TX power level to the minimum ("19" in EGSM900 and "15" in GSM1800/GSM1900)
Measurements can be done with a spectrum analyser and an RF probe. Spectrum analyser centre
frequency should be set according the used TX channel (see section "Frequency mappings").
Spectrum analyser RBW and VBW = 1 MHz, Span = 0, sweep time 1 ms. Notice that GSM
transmission has pulsed nature and power should be measured during TX burst (triggering
needed). Another possibility is to use following settings: RBW = VBW = 1 MHz, Span 200 kHz and
sweep time at least 2.5 seconds.
EGSM900: Connect the probe to J7520 (test point). The RF level should be about -16...-17 dBm.
GSM1800 or GSM1900: Connect the probe to J7519 (test point). The RF level should be roughly
-29...-30 dBm in both bands. GSM PA (N7502) operating voltage ok?
Measurement can be done with an oscilloscope and a probe.
Connect the probe to C7593
Voltage level should be 3.05 – 5.4 V. Typical value is 4.0 V PA operating voltage VBAT_PA ok?
Measurement can be done with an oscilloscope and a probe.
Connect the probe to C7569 (or C7564, C7583)
Voltage level should be 3.05 – 5.4 V. Typical value is 4.0 V. Ferrite Z7500 ok?
Check that component is in place and solder joints are ok
Disconnect the power supply from the phone and use an ohmmeter to check that inductor is
conducting DC. C7593 ok?
Check that the component is in place and solder joints are ok
Disconnect the power supply from the phone and use an ohmmeter to check that the capacitor is
not short-circuited. If short-circuit is found replace the capacitor.
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