Resource con-
Warning: IRQ
not initialized
Expansion ROM
not initialized
Stepping of
CPU is less
than C0 -
System halted!
Stepping of
CPU1 is less
than C0 -
System halted!
Stepping of
CPU2 is less
than C0 -
System halted!
System battery
is dead -
Replace and run
System cache
error - cache
System CMOS
checksum bad -
Run Setup
System configu-
ration data
write error
NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the abbreviation and acronym list.
Dell PowerEdge 4200 Systems Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
Table 3-1. System Messages
The BIOS detected a
resource conflict while
configuring a Plug and
Play ISA or PCI expan-
sion card.
A Pentium II micro-
processor that is not
supported by the system
is installed.
An Intel
microprocessor that is
not supported by the
system is installed in
the PROC_1 socket.
A Pentium II micro-
processor that is not
supported by the system
is installed in the
PROC_2 socket.
The battery on the sys-
tem board is dead.
The microprocessor chip
on the system board may
be malfunctioning.
The CMOS configura-
tion data is corrupted.
A chip on the system
board may be mal-
See "Resolving Resource Conflicts" in Chapter 5 in the User's
Replace the microprocessor with a correct version of the
Pentium II microprocessor from Dell. See "Upgrading the
Microprocessor or Installing a Secondary Microprocessor" in
Chapter 8 for details.
Replace the microprocessor with a correct version of the
Pentium II microprocessor from Dell. See "Upgrading the
Microprocessor or Installing a Secondary Microprocessor" in
Chapter 8 for details.
Replace the microprocessor with a correct version of the
Pentium II microprocessor from Dell. See "Upgrading the
Microprocessor or Installing a Secondary Microprocessor" in
Chapter 8 for details.
Replace the battery on the system board, and run the System
Setup program to restore the system configuration informa-
tion. See "Replacing the Battery" in Chapter 8 for details.
Run the System Set Test Group to determine whether the
microprocessor chip is faulty. See Chapter 5, "Running the
System Diagnostics."
Run the System Setup program to restore the system configu-
ration information. Also check to make sure the battery is
installed correctly. See "Replacing the Battery" in Chapter 8
for details.
Run the System Set Test Group. See Chapter 5, "Running the
System Diagnostics." A faulty chip on the system board usu-
ally requires that you replace the system board.