Dell OptiPlex GXa and OptiPlex NX Systems Service Manual
liminating Resource Conflicts
Devices within the computer may require dedicated memory spaces, interrupt
levels, or DMA channels, all of which must be allocated during installation of
the devices. Because a device may be installed at a different time, it is possible
that the same resource is assigned to two or more devices.
Resource conflicts can result in disorderly or erratic system operation or failure
of the system to operate at all. If you suspect that resource conflicts might exist,
check the system and reassign the resources as necessary.
unning Computer Diagnostics
The OptiPlex GXa systems use either diskette-based or server-based (EM
systems only) diagnostics. The OptiPlex NX systems use either server-based,
hard-disk–based, or (optionally) diskette-based diagnostics using an external
diskette-drive kit connected to the computer as shown in Figure 2-1 and
described in "Diskette-Based Diagnostics" later in this Chapter.
Server-Based Diagnostics (EM System Board Only)
The server-based diagnostics contains tests that aid in troubleshooting major
components of the computer. To run the server-based diagnostics, follow these
1. Turn on all peripherals and the computer. If the computer is already on,
press <Ctrl
2. If necessary, enter the System Setup program and set the computer to
boot from the network.
Highlight the Boot Sequence field (see Figure A-1). Either press <Alt><d>
to restore the default settings, or press <Ctrl> and the right-arrow key to dis-
play the Device List screen (see Figure A-2). Then move the LANDesk
Service Agent above drive C: on the Boot Device Priority list. Press
<Alt><b> to reboot the computer.
3. Press <Spacebar> immediately after you see the following message:
Press <Spacebar> for Configuration Services or <Esc> or
<Ctrl-C> to cancel.
If you wait more than 5 seconds before pressing <Spacebar>, the message
disappears and the load operation continues. Let the system complete the
load operation; then shut down the system and try again.
4. Press <f> immediately after you see a menu to enter the firmware
update services.
If you wait more than 3 seconds before making a selection, the system auto-
matically enters the software services.
5. Enter a user name and password at the logon prompt.
Contact the network administrator for information on system access.
Del> to reboot the computer.