Chapter 37
Configuring IPsec Network Security
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Example 37-15 Displays Detailed iSCSI Session Information for a Specific Interface
switch# show iscsi session detail
Initiator (
Session #1 (index 24)
Session #2 (index 25)
Example 37-16 Displays FCIP Information for a Specific Interface
switch# show interface fcip 1
fcip1 is trunking
OL-18084-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Initiator ip addr (s):
Discovery session, ISID 00023d000001, Status active
Target ibm1
VSAN 1, ISID 00023d000001, TSIH 0, Status active, no reservation
Type Normal, ExpCmdSN 42, MaxCmdSN 57, Barrier 0
MaxBurstSize 0, MaxConn 1, DataPDUInOrder Yes
DataSeqInOrder Yes, InitialR2T Yes, ImmediateData No
Registered LUN 0, Mapped LUN 0
PDU: Command: 41, Response: 41
Bytes: TX: 21388, RX: 0
Number of connection: 1
Connection #1
iSCSI session is protected by IPSec
Local IP address:, Peer IP address:
CID 0, State: Full-Feature
StatSN 43, ExpStatSN 0
MaxRecvDSLength 131072, our_MaxRecvDSLength 262144
CSG 3, NSG 3, min_pdu_size 48 (w/ data 48)
AuthMethod none, HeaderDigest None (len 0), DataDigest None (len 0)
Version Min: 0, Max: 0
FC target: Up, Reorder PDU: No, Marker send: No (int 0)
Received MaxRecvDSLen key: Yes
Hardware is GigabitEthernet
Port WWN is 20:50:00:0d:ec:08:6c:c0
Peer port WWN is 20:10:00:05:30:00:a7:9e
Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on
Port mode is TE
Port vsan is 1
Speed is 1 Gbps
Trunk vsans (admin allowed and active) (1)
Trunk vsans (up)
Trunk vsans (isolated)
Trunk vsans (initializing)
Using Profile id 1
(interface GigabitEthernet2/1)
Peer Information
Peer Internet address is and port is 3225
FCIP tunnel is protected by IPSec
Write acceleration mode is off
Tape acceleration mode is off
Tape Accelerator flow control buffer size is 256 KBytes
IP Compression is disabled
Special Frame is disabled
Maximum number of TCP connections is 2
Time Stamp is disabled
QOS control code point is 0
QOS data code point is 0
B-port mode disabled
TCP Connection Information
2 Active TCP connections
<-----------The iSCSI session protection status
<-----------The FCIP tunnel protection status
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
Displaying IPsec Configurations