Audible indicators enable users to hear the call progress without having to look at the radio.
Improves the "user friendliness" of radio operation.
Specific user requirements can be met.
Volume of alert tones can be linked to received volume level.
Escalert allows the volume of incoming call indications to steadily increase.
Attracts users attention to incoming calls.
Helps reduce time to answer calls - improves efficiency.
Helps promote efficient radio operation in high noise environments.
Control Heads
The control head on the mobiles can be disconnected from the transceiver eg for remote mount
installation. It must be noted that although the control heads on different models of mobile are
physically interchangeable, the software functionality is NOT interchangeable; for example, a
GM360 control head will not work on a GM340 transceiver, or via versa.
Remote Mount
Each of the mobile radios can be installed in a remote mount configuration. The control head and
transceiver are separated, and reconnected via a length of cable. This allows the head to be
mounted where it can be seen easily and the transceiver to be mounted somewhere else eg the car
boot. This is useful if space is limited, and also reduces the probability of theft.
The cable to connect the control head and transceiver is flat 8 wire telephone cable with small
telephone telco connectors on the ends. As the connectors are so small, the cabling can be routed
through the vehicle more easily, usually using just the conduits normally available and not having to
drill any extra.
If the wrong control head is connected to the transceiver, the
radio will not work!