Smart Call Home Quick Start Configuration Guide for
Cisco Nexus
Cisco Smart Call Home offers diagnostics and real-time alerts on select Cisco devices, which provides higher
network availability and increased operational efficiency. Smart Call Home is a connected service of Cisco
SMARTnet™ for the Nexus 9000.
This document provides the minimum steps to configure and register a Nexus 9000 for Smart Call Home using the
following four available options. It is assumed that the device has the necessary DNS configuration (ip domain-name
and ip name-server for DNS look-ups or ip host for static entries) in order to resolve host-names that may appear in
destination addresses
H TTPS transp ort from the N exu s 9000 to Cisco
Em ail transp ort from the N exu s 9000 to Cisco
H TTP from the N exu s 9000 to a Transp ort Gatew ay (TG) - H TTPS transp ort to Cisco
Em ail from the N exu s 9000 to a Transp ort Gatew ay (TG) - H TTPS transp ort to Cisco
Note: For security reasons, Cisco recommends customers make use of one of the HTTPS transport options, due to the
additional payload encryption that HTTPS offers. The
is available for customers who require an aggregation point or a proxy for connection to the internet.
Requirements for Smart Call Home:
N X-OS version 6.1(2) is the m inim u m version requ ired to su p p ort Call H om e
A CCO ID associated w ith an ap p rop riate Cisco SMARTnet ™ Service contract for you r com p any
Cisco SMARTnet™ Service for the d evice to be registered
Resources for Smart Call Home
Sm art Call H om e Su p p ort Foru m
Cisco N exu s 9000 Series Configu ring Sm art Call H om e
Smart Call Home Server Certificate for HTTPS
9000 Series Switches
Transport Gateway software
is downloadable from Cisco and