(interface) spanning-tree portfast
(interface) switchport mode access
(interface) no channel-group
(interface) no shutdown
Displaying Information About Layer 2 Interfaces
Table 4-2 lists some switch commands that you can use to display helpful information
about Layer 2 interfaces.
Table 4-2 Switch Commands to Display Layer 2 Interface Information
Display Function
Port status
Port error counters
Port MAC address used by the switch
Port flow control
Port negotiation
Port debounce
Port inline power
Jumbo frame support
errDisable recovery and port status
You can generate and view reports of utilization, traffic volume, and errors on each port
in the switch. These TopN reports can prove useful if you don't have network manage-
ment applications that can generate statistical reports about the switch ports.
Enable TopN report:
(exec) collect top [number_of_ports] counters interface {type
| layer-3} [sort-by statistic_type
TopN reports enable you to collect and analyze data for each physical port on a
switch. When Top-N reports start, they obtain statistics from the appropriate hard-
ware counters and then go into sleep mode for a user-specified interval. When the
interval ends, the reports obtain the current statistics from the same hardware coun-
ters, compare the current statistics from the earlier statistics, and store the difference.
The statistics for each port are sorted by one of the following statistic types:
Chapter 4: Layer 2 Interface Configuration 61
(exec) show interfaces [type num]
show interfaces counters [broadcast | errors |
{module mod-num} | {trunk [module mod-num]}]
(exec) show interfaces [type num]
show catalyst6500 chassis-mac-address
show interfaces [interface [mod]] flowcontrol
show port negotiation [mod[/port]]
show port debounce [mod[/port]]
show power inline [interface-id] [actual |
(exec) show interfaces [type num]
(exec) show errdisable recovery
] [interval seconds]
| all | layer-2