syslog <message>
tpcontrol{status | taptoclick [on|off] sensitivity [1-5] | set
<property>< value>} tpcontrol {syntp [on|off]}
tracepath [-n] <destination>[/port]
update_over_cellular [enable|disable]
upload crashes
wpa_debug [<debug_level>] [--help] [--list_valid_level] [--reset]
xset m [acc_mult[/acc_div] [thr]] xset m default
xset r rate [delay [rate]]
xset r [keycode] < on|off >
Chrome commands
Chrome:// pages contain experimental features, diagnostic tools, and detailed statistics. They are hidden in Chrome's user interface.
Chrome://about page lists all Chrome's internal pages. To view all the commands, type chrome://about in the Chrome browser URL
as shown below:
Table 10. Chrome browser shortcuts
System Information
Basic Connectivity Diags
Chrome Information
[duration] will start recording. sound play <filename> plays the
recorded audio samples
Reads storage device SMART health status, vendor attributes, and
error logs.
Performs a short offline SMART test.
Performs an extensive readability test.
Logs a message to system log.
Allows the user to manually adjust advanced touchpad settings.
Traces the path/route to a network host.
Enables or disables the auto updates over cellular networks. Run
without arguments to see the current state.
Uploads available crash reports to the crash server.
Sets the wpa_supplicant debugging level.
Tweaks the mouse acceleration rate.
Tweaks the autorepeat rates. The delay is the number of
milliseconds before autorepeat starts. The rate is the number of
repeats per second.
Turns autorepeat on/off. If a keycode is specified, it affects only
that key. If not specified, it affects global behavior.
Browser Shortcut
"Who am I".. BIOS version, and so on
Test for NIC and Internet connection
More "Who am I" type of stuff