• If the User Account Control screen appears, select Continue.
2. Open USB Printing Support Properties.
Double-click Universal Serial Bus controllers and USB Printing Support.
• If the USB Printing Support Properties screen does not appear, make sure the printer is
correctly connected to the computer.
3. Click General tab and check for a device problem.
If a device error is shown, see Windows Help to resolve it.
Other Error Messages (Windows)
If an error message appears outside printer status monitor, check the
• "Could not spool successfully due to insufficient disk space"
Delete any unnecessary files to increase the amount of free space on the disk.
• "Could not spool successfully due to insufficient memory"
Close other applications to increase the available memory.
If you still cannot print, restart your computer and retry the printing.
• "Printer driver could not be found"
Uninstall the MP Drivers following the procedure described in Deleting the Unnecessary MP Drivers and
click here to reinstall them.
• "Could not print Application name - File name"
Try printing again once the current job is complete.
Make sure printer is properly connected to computer.