Chapter 1. Introduction to DX Content Router 1.1. Overview of DX Content Router A DX Storage cluster routinely replicates content objects to other nodes in the same cluster in order to improve fault tolerance and performance. For disaster recovery and other reasons, it may also be desirable to automatically replicate content objects to another, remote cluster.
Chapter 2. Replication Topologies A replication topology is a defined arrangement between independent DX Storage clusters, connected to one another via DX Content Router nodes. DX Content Router supports several alternative replication topologies. 2.1. Disaster Recovery DX Content Router allows an administrator to replicate some or all the streams stored in a primary cluster to a disaster recovery site.
Below is a figure showing multiple primary clusters rolling up to one DR cluster. In order to distinguish the streams in Primary Cluster 1 from those in Primary Cluster 2, metadata needs to be stored with each stream identifying, at a minimum, the cluster of origin. 2.4.
Chapter 3. DX Content Router Services 3.1. Basic Architecture A DX Content Router lives within a DX Storage cluster but is always visible to other clusters, and perhaps to the external network at large. Consequently, it is assumed that all communication between DX Content Router services occurs over a secure TCP connection.
3.1.1. Structure of a DX Content Router Node DX Content Router consists of a server machine running Linux and executes one or both of two services: 1. Publisher - processes all streams stored in a cluster, filters them based on stream metadata, and publishes UUIDs to remote Subscribers.
The two optional DX Content Router services are designed and deployed as independent processes running on a server. We discuss each of these services in more detail in the following sections. 3.1.2. Publisher Service The Publisher service collects a comprehensive list of all the UUIDs stored in the cluster (as well as those that have been deleted), filters those UUIDs, and publishes the resulting lists of UUIDs to one or more remote Subscribers.
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</rule-set> The example above is a good starting point, but it, alone, will not perform the filtering required for this example. In order to select the PrimaryDR cluster as the destination of some of the locally stored streams, we want to find all streams whose content metadata contains a header called "DX Storage-priority"...
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clause. In the example above, where there are two publish clauses, all content streams can be queued for remote replication once for each publish. In addition, when there are two select clauses in a given publish clause, the content metadata is evaluated against each select clause’s filter set.
• olderThan(dateSpec) - matches if the header value is a date and that date is older than the date given, which may be either an absolute date or a relative (to execution time) date. • intValue(int) – matches if the header value is an integer and executes the specified comparison against that integer (greater than, less than, equal to, etc).
Chapter 4. Installation DX Content Router installs as a service on a standard server, using standard Linux installation and package management utilities as outlined in the sections below. Note, that if running DX Content Router from a Cluster Services Node (CSN), the required infrastructure setup, installation and configuration are performed automatically as part of CSN configuration so the steps below are not necessary or even supported in some cases.
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bytes/sec between clusters based on the calculation above will need to modify the 'minBytesPerSec' parameter in the DX Storage node.cfg or common.cfg file to account for a slower rate and avoid timeouts. For example, to lower DX Storage's expectations for transfer rate to 512 bytes/sec, the following parameter should be added to the node or cluster level configuration file to override the default: minBytesPerSec = 512...
VLAN=yes 4. Start the new interface: ifup ifcfg-eth1:1 Note, that if the DX Content Router services are installed on a Cluster Services Node (CSN), creation of the IP addresses is performed automatically when the services are configured. 4.2. Installing and Configuring DX Content Router Services 4.2.1.
4.3. Upgrading DX Content Router 4.3.1. Upgrading from 1.x Installations with a previously installed Ubuntu-based version of DX Content Router have two upgrade options. Administrators with replication downtime tolerance may choose to stop all DX Content Router processes, install Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) over Ubuntu on the existing DX Content Router Publisher and Replicator servers and then install and start both DX Content Router services again on both servers.
Chapter 5. Running and Managing DX Content Router 5.1. Starting DX Content Router Services DX Content Router Publisher and Replicator will attempt to start every time the server on which they are installed boots. Admins should be sure to update the config files for Publisher and/or Replicator after installation to ensure DX Content Router has the necessary information to start correctly.
5.4.1. Publisher Console layout: • Version: the version of DX Content Router installed on the Publisher node • Uptime: the amount of time elapsed since the DX Content Router Publisher service was last started • Source Cluster: the group multicast address of the DX Storage cluster from which the Publisher is gathering UUIDs •...
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• Working: the subscriber is available and actively processing streams • Offline: the subscriber has not contacted the DX Content Router Publisher node within the expected configurable frequency • Idle: the subscriber is available but is not currently processing any streams •...
the cause is unknown or a configuration or connectivity issue has been resolved, administrators may wish to consider Republishing the subscription. • Last Connection: the amount of time elapsed since the subscriber queried the Publisher for stream events • Last Transmit: the amount of time elapsed since the subscriber last retrieved at least one stream event from the Publisher •...
uuid=... 5.5.3. Request for Source Cluster IP Addresses Publisher clients such as Replicator may need to know IP addresses of nodes in the CAStor source cluster that Publisher listens to (in order to make SCSP requests to this cluster). The Publisher Channel Server will support a request for a list of source cluster IP addresses and SCSP port numbers: GET /sourceclusteripports.bin HTTP/1.1...
Chapter 6. Support for Content Restoration and Fail- Over Some common uses of DX Content Router are disaster recovery, backup, and archiving. In all these cases, it will sometimes be necessary to recover lost content data from a remote cluster. The exact nature of such a recovery process, and the ease and speed with which it happens, will depend somewhat on the topology of the cluster network.
Appendix A. Content Metadata In planning for replication of data from one location to another and/or disaster recovery scenarios within DX Storage, it is advisable to ensure that you are both fully utilizing the system metadata automatically stored with every stream as well as adding custom metadata that will allow you to create dynamic rules for distributing your content.
Appendix B. DX Content Router Configuration In order for DX Content Router to function correctly, each installed service has a separate configuration file. Best practice is to copy the sample config files located in the /etc/caringo/ contentrouter directory with the name of each service: $ sudo su - cd /etc/caringo/contentrouter cp publisher.cfg.sample publisher.cfg...
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Option Name Default Mandatory Description like logrotate is preferred. loglevel The level of logging verbosity with the following supported values: 50=critical, 40=error, 30=warning, 20=info, 10=debug, 0=no log group The multicast group address for the DX Storage cluster from which UUIDs are gathered.
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Option Name Default Mandatory Description subscribers access to the DX Storage cluster for replication rulesFile /etc/caringo/ The name and contentrouter/ location of the XML rules.xml rules file the Publisher uses to filter UUIDs consolePort 8090 The port for the Publisher web console publicationServerPort The port Publisher uses to publish UUID...
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Option Name Default Mandatory Description that do not send an errOfflineAfter parameter at runtime. subscriberTimeout 90000 Time in seconds Interval before the Publisher terminates a Subscriber if it has not been heard from. Applies only to Subscribers that do not send a Timeout parameter at runtime.
Option Name Default Mandatory Description query argument on a Start or Next request. Replicator throughput can be increased by increasing the value of this parameter. publicationServerStrict False Determines whether ArgsChecking Enumerator API query argument syntax is strictly enforced on requests to the Publisher.
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Option Name Default Mandatory Description if local file-based logging will be used instead of syslog. loglevel The level of logging verbosity with the following supported values: 50=critical, 40=error, 30=warning, 20=info, 10=debug, 0=no log logbackups The number of older, rotated log files to keep when file-based logging is used.
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Option Name Default Mandatory Description boot. Either scsphosts or cluster must be specified. castorProxyIp none IP address of a proxy configured in front of the target cluster castorProxyPort none Port of a proxy configured in front of the target cluster subscribeTo none Specifies one or more...
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Option Name Default Mandatory Description state on this port. There is not currently a separate console for Replicator. storageDir /var/opt/caringo/ A unique, writable contentrouter/ directory path for use replicator in storing in process stream information. maxActiveEvents The number of events Replicator should process at one time.
Appendix C. Enumerator API DX Content Router provides a public HTTP 1.1 server interface component as part of the DX Content Router Publisher service. The purpose of the HTTP interface is to enable a simple standards based approach for building "plug-in like" DX Storage internal and 3rd party applications that require some form of object enumeration.
POST /<channel>?type=<enumerator type>&start=<date-time1>&end=<date-time2> HTTP/1.1 Host: <publisherhost> Here channel is the "subscription name" as specified when configuring a DX Content Router replicator service. It corresponds to one of the sets of filter rules identified by a select tag in the publisher rules.xml file. The start and end parameters delimit the create dates of objects to be enumerated for metadata and UUID enumerator types.
C.3. Enumerator Next The Enumerator Next command is a request for the next objects in an enumeration which was previously initiated with an Enumerator Start command. For performance reasons Publisher does not attempt to retrieve elements in a specific order. The format of the request is as follows: GET /<Enumerator UUID>?maxItems=<max-objects-to-retrieve>...
C.3.2. Enumerator Next Response A typical normal response to an Enumerator Next command of type UUID or Event is: HTTP/1.1 200 Date: ... Server: Content Router Publisher Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: <bytes in response body> Content-Sync-Token: <token value> For a Metadata Enumerator, the response has an additional "Content-UUID" header containing the object's UUID.
If for any reason the request is not successful, a 404 response code will be returned with a descriptive message in the response body as to the encountered problem. C.5. Enumerator Timeout The DX Content Router Publisher will repurpose the existing configuration parameter called subscriberTimeout.
Argument Name Description expected interval between enumerator queries. When not specified, a default value for errOfflineAfter will be derived from the Publisher's "subscriberErrOfflineAfter" configuration value. timeout Number of seconds before the Publisher will terminate an enumerator if it has not been heard from.