Lenovo U1
The Drafts is used to store any e-mails that have been created and edited but not yet sent.
At the top of the <Email> list, touch "Settings" in the tab to open the settings list page.
You can select the account you want to view, and then change and set it.
You can touch <Add an email account> to add a new mailbox account.
Common Settings:
Email check frequency: Selects the frequency of checking e-mail messages. Options include <Automatic(Push)>,
<Every 5 minutes/10 minutes/15minutes/30minutes/hour.>.
Auto delete mails: Selects the frequency of auto clearing old e-mail messages. Options include <3 days ago>, <ONE
week ago.>, <Two weeks ago.> and <Never>.
Auto delete do not include: Selects the scope of auto clearing old e-mail messages. Options include <UNREAD
mails> and <STARRED mails>.
How many mails on first page: Selects the quantity of displaying old e-mail messages. Options include <Display 25
mails>, <Display 50 mails> and <Display 100 mails>.
Default Account: If you have added a mailbox account, this function will enable you to set the default account.
Whenever you create a new e-mail from any interface, this mailbox account will be the one used to create new e-
mails by default.
Widget Show: The mails available in any mailbox account can be displayed in a more intuitive way using the Gadget
desktop. Therefore, whenever you create more than one mailbox account, you can set the accounts to be displayed
on the Gadget desktop via this setting option.
*Specific models only