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Brother iPrint&Scan for Windows and Mac
Configure Scan to Workflow Settings Using Brother iPrint&Scan
The following conditions must be satisfied to use Scan to Workflow:
The scanner driver is installed.
Download and install the driver at support.brother.com.
Default settings have been configured for scanning from the machine.
Configure the settings by following the on-screen directions in the Machine Scan Settings screen.
iPrint&Scan Push Scan Tool is installed.
Download and install the iPrint&Scan Push Scan Tool at support.brother.com.
Default settings have been configured for scanning from the machine.
In the Brother iPrint&Scan home screen, click Machine Scan Settings > Select folder..., and save
where applicable. Complete the process by following the on-screen instructions.
>> Create a Workflow
>> Configure Workflows
>> Edit or delete the Workflow
Create a Workflow
1. In the Brother iPrint&Scan home screen, click Create Workflow.
2. Create a workflow by following the on-screen instructions.
Configure Workflows
1. In the Brother iPrint&Scan home screen, click Machine Scan Settings > Workflow.
2. Select the workflow you want to display when the Workflow button is pressed on the machine, and click OK.
Edit or delete the Workflow
1. In the Brother iPrint&Scan home screen, click
2. Select the workflow you want to edit or delete, and click either Edit or Delete.
Related Information
Brother iPrint&Scan for Windows and Mac
> Configure Scan to Workflow Settings Using Brother
Application Setting > Workflow Management.