Lenovo Web >c: http://www.lenovo.com/thinkvantage Rescue and Recovery LrDxgJdw: Rescue and Recovery 73v'VyZ PCI DP_T+xJdw#Rescue and Recovery 73P|,Dxgh8}/Lrk Microsoft Windows Yw53P$ndD}/Lr`,,"R|G@"Z Windows Y w53#TZ\'VD Lenovo Fcz,Rescue and Recovery Lrf=KXhD}/ g{FczPD OEM xgh8;\'V,kNDh8FlLD5Tq!PX*X(Z 53Dxg}/LrmS'VD5w#*szD OEM a)}/Lr# 20i~ >?V|, Rescue and Recovery LrD20i~# \m20}L Windows Installer ITkTxg4P&CLrrz7D\m20,T)$wi9CrC...
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9C msiexec.exe *Z(Fs9Cb9D4D~xP20,C'h*Z|nPwC msiexec.exe,T+]b 9D *.MSI D~D{F#msiexec.exe D~G Windows Installer DI4PLr,CZ bM20Lr|T0Z?j53O20z7# v TZ;|,UqD2076: msiexec.exe /a "Lenovo Rescue and Recovery.msi" /qn TARGERDIR=F:\TVTRR v TZ|,UqD2076: msiexec.exe /a "Lenovo Rescue and Recovery.msi" /qn TARGERDIR= \"F:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery\" TBG9C msiexec.exe D>}# msiexec /i "C:\WindowsFolder\Profiles\UserName\ Personal\MySetups\project name\product configuration\release name\ DiskImages\Disk1\product name.msi"...
BmT>K9C Rescue and Recovery.msi D20>}: m 2. >} 4P20# msiexec /i “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi” 4P2,20x;XB}<# msiexec /i “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi” /qn REBOOT=”R” 4P2,6X# msiexec /x “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi” 4P20x;20 Predesktop xr# msiexec /i “C:\TVTRR\Rescue and Recovery.msi” PDA=0 Rescue and Recovery 20 TB8>E"JCZITS kTsMs5DvpoTD~ BX3f%@BXDD~# 1.
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>f]TzkT0;vsZrHZnMf>6pDzk(.tvt D~{PDyPd{ f>VNXkknMf>j+%d) #g{R;=zcb)u~DD~,+#9 v 10zk < nMzk: Windows Installer +iRf]Tzk(}g:AA r AB)HZnMf>f]Tz k"R6psZrHZnMf>(.tvt D~{PDyPd{f>VNXkknMf >j+%d)D .tvt D~#g{R;=zcb)u~DD~,+#920# Rescue and Recovery Lr'VTBoT: v MwOQ@o v $so v I<o v "o v R<o v (o v Bo v bs{o v Uo v +zo v 2~o v OQ@o...
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m 3. ( x ) g{ TPM &Z{C4,R20T2,==K HALTIFTPMDISABLED P,G41!5GTBf==Lx20#g{ Q{C TPM,G4T2,==KP201,9 C HALTIFTPMDISABLED=1 tT#920# Z|nPOhC ENABLETPM=0 T@920t ENABLETPM C TPM Z|nPOhC SUPERVISORPW=″ \k ″Ta SUPERVISORPW ),6C'\k,SxZ2,20rG2,2 0==PtC>,#g{Q{C>,R20T 2,==KP,G4Xka)}7D,6C' \kTtC>,,qr^(tC>,# ZEL3qP|, Rescue and Recovery Lr zIT4(|, Rescue and Recovery LrDEL3q#>?p8OIC PowerQuest M Ghost w*>}# ":g{zF.4(3q,G4Xk6qw}<G<#w}<G<TZ Rescue and Recovery 73D}7KPAXX*#...
PxZ8]P;P,G4Z53XzjI.s+T;2mKD~P# j{V4 j{V4+>}>X}/wODyPD~,;sS!(D8]V4D~#g{!q\ kVCT,+V4nBDIC\k# (FV4 w* Rescue and Recovery LrD)9,(FV4<uQ;mS=V4}LP#C'+ (} Rescue and Recovery LrM Lenovo Base Software Selector LrkK(FV4 =(xP;%#(}4P(FV4,C'ITZV4}LP!q|,M;|,g&C Lr"h8}/LrrYw53.`Dwvi~#\m1+9C ThinkVantage Base Soft- ware Administrator Lr(eC'Z(FV4}LP+_PD!n# Base Software Administrator LrG;v(CDm~5CLr,zIT9CKLr5V (FV4M200`XNq#9C Base Software Administrator Lr,zIT*C'( FV4}L,"IT4(CZT/4P Windows D200hCDvT/D~# (FV4}L Z1qgS73P,Fcz53\=w`"<D!>"dfLrM0XeA>m1L...
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v ZV41;20\^Di~,"R2;rnUC'T>b)i~# e%D~: (FV4}LIT9Ce%D~xPXF#Base Software Administrator L rIT4((Fe%D~#e%D~D)9{G .cfi,"R|,PXKD~yZD~q VxZi~DE"#e%D~9XFZ(FV4}LPC'IT9C!q#e%D~ Py|,DE"|(gXh"I!M\^.`Di~V`#Kb,e%D~|,gh vM"M.`D*}]# 200hC *jI200hC,zIT9C Base Software Administrator Lr44(vT/D~# vT/D~DD~)9{G .per,||,T/4P Windows D200hCyhDE"# V4}L+A!vT/D~"SvT/D~Pi!}]"+}]E=}7D Windows X FD~P#zIT9C Base Software Administrator Lr4(FvT/D~,"+G) vT/D~?p=C'FczO,SxZ!1dM+&#}g,zIT4(vT/D ~4hC Windows 1x"+CvT/D~?p=C'FczO;rK,C'^hV/ i$1xhC# vT/D~: (}9C Base Software Administrator Lr4(ehC,Sx(FvT /D~#TBwma)KIT(eD?VhCDhv# 0#fhC1ma)KCZ(eFczDC'{F"i/M1xDhC: m 9.
NDZ 57 3D:RRCMD |nPgf;# Windows 7 PD Sysprep 8]|D Windows 7 PD Sysprep 8]Ywk Windows XP r Windows Vista PDYw;,# bGIZBf>D Windows RE GS Windows 7 9(D#zITS Lenovo 'V Web >c http://www.lenovo.com/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-4Q2QAK BX= ~Lr|,"(} Generalize !n4U=h4P}7D Sysprep 8]Yw# Windows 7 P Windows RE(V473)20}LEv k Windows Vista ;,,Windows 7 Yw53PQ20 Windows RE#Z9C setup.exe...
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:: Extract the WWW EXE to the directory C:\TVTRR start /WAIT z902zisus00xxxx.exe /a /s /v"/qn TARGETDIR (dP XXXX G9(j6) ="C:\TVTRR" REBOOT="R"" /w 2. Z C:\tvtrr\Program Files\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery P rnrdeploy.xml D~D) KmSTB|n: <Rescue__and__Recovery..Settings..Backup path ="Rescue and Recovery\Settings\Backup"> *0E}1Vx,k+TBZ]mS= rnrdeploy.xml D~P: <BackupPartitions dword="20"...
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:Start the Rescue and Recovery Service net start "TVT Backup Service" :Create Sysprep Base Backup to Local Hard Drive : Type the following command on one line cd "\Program Files\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery” rrcmd sysprepbackup location=L name="Sysprep Base Backup" g{*9C\k,kmSo( password=pass# 6. 4=TB{"1,kKPX(D Sysprep 5): *************************************************** ** Ready to take sysprep backup.
Windows 73PD Rescue and Recovery LrICZ4P`V`MD8]#TBE"8 <zgN(} Rescue and Recovery Lr9C8]D~# 9C"amhC|,ME}8]D~ Rescue and Recovery LrIT|,ME}vpD~"D~PKA{vVx#9C Res- cue and Recovery 4.3 1,b)&\I`M* REG_MULTI_SZ DTB"amnXF: v HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\Settings\BackupList v HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\Settings\ExcludeList v HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\Settings\OSAppsList hCy>8];C: TB"amu?+Z20jIs"4hCy>8]: HKLM\Software\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\runbasebackuplocation DWord = ;C5...
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– X zmku?%dDE}D~rD~P – S zm|,D~rD~PD%v5}f" – i zmI!q|,DD~rD~P – x zmI!qE}DD~rD~P – s zmC'I!qmS=%vf"PDD~rD~P BfG;)u?>}: I=*.ocx I=*.dll I=*.exe I=*.ini I=*.drv I=*.com I=*.sys I=*.cpl I=*.icm I=*.lnk I=*.hlp I=*.cat I=*.xml I=*.jre I=*.cab I=*.sdb I=*.bat I=?:\ntldr I=?:\peldr I=?:\bootlog.prv I=?:\bootlog.txt I=?:\bootsect.dos I=?:\WINNT\* I=?:\WINDOWS\* X=?:\WINDOWS\prefetch\* I=?:\minint\* I=?:\preboot\*...
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Settings\*\Desktop\* s=?:\Documents and Settings\*\My Documents\* x=*.vol s=*.vol Z"amDb;?V,zIT!q+&Cm~E}ZI Rescue and ExcludeList : Recovery Lrt/DV4}L.b#bv GUI E}Pm(}"amD HKLM\ SOFTWARE\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\Settings\ExcludeList xP\m# Rescue and Recovery Lr 4.3 Z4PYw53M&CLrV41, OSAppsList : \;(}TB"am|hCP!qXV4X(D~MD~P: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\Settings\OSAppsList OSAppsList hC+(e9IYw53M&CLrDD~"D~PrD~`M#CD~I TI\m1(F"a);v1!b?D~#1C'!qV4Yw531,+T>;v K%,Jm{G!q0V41 #...
D~,xGyZHxD3qq=#<G=bVq=/D"9,Z Windows 7 O20" ?p Rescue and Recovery Lr1k9CZ 54 3D:8} 6 - S\m8]4Pcz V4;PD8}# 9C RRUTIL.EXE RRUTIL LrCZCJ Rescue and Recovery ~qVxMibVx}]#C5CLrI TMibVx0 0x07 `MVx;p$w#C5CLrJm\m1(F Predesktop xr (PDA) #1!ivB,;P\m1E\9CC$_# zITSTB ThinkVantage Technologies \m1$_ Web 3fq! rrutil.exe: http://www.lenovo.com/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=TVAN-ADMIN#rnr Rescue and Recovery 4.3 ?p8O...
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RRUTIL LrITMibVxD Rescue and Recovery }Kw}/Lr;p$w,"I T+ 0x07 `MVx20*}/wTcxPCJ#r*b)Vxy(D1dvcT4P ksD|n,;sVx+YNXU# ":RRUTIL Lr V4.3 ;rsf] Rescue and Recovery LrDOgf># CLrJm\m14PTB&\: v i4 Predesktop xrPD?<# v Z Predesktop xrPmSr|BD~# v >} Predesktop xrPDD~# v X|{ Predesktop xrPDD~# v i4 \RRbackups ?<PDD~# v +8]mS= \RRbackups ?<P# v S \RRbackups ?<Pq!D~# v T>...
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4. y>|n:RRUTIL /lx [<path>dirlist.txt] ":TI!u?D'VI\*FY=sx D"PfE\5V# TBPma)K x D5: v 1 \preboot v 2 \minint v 4 <root of c:\ or root of type 0x07 partition> `vPm+G?v x DM#rK \preboot S \minint D5+G 3#dirlist.txt DZ]: \minint\system32\drivers*.sys \preboot\startup\*.* S Predesktop xr?<q!D~ RRUTIL /g <path>getlist.txt <copy to location>...
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3. |ny>:RRUTIL /d <path> dellist.txt,dellist.txt DZ]: \preboot\startup\custom.cmd Sample file name only \preboot\usrintfc\test.txt Sample file name only X|{ Predesktop xrPDD~ RRUTIL /r \<PDA-path>\oldfilename.ext newfilename.ext X|{ Predesktop xrPDD~#C/};&m Predesktop xrPDD~#Xk|, *X|{DD~D76,+76P;\|,L{#D~DB{F;&C|,{F,; \|,NN76E"# >}: RRUTIL –r \preboot\usrintfc\peaccessibmen.ini peaccessibmen.old bT*20D Rescue and Recovery RRUTIL /bq C|nCZz&mD~P,PzZxPT//&m#g{ Rescue and Recovery zk"...
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m 16. oTk =V8oTk MwOQ@o "o R<o bs{o I<o OQ@o rePD w`@o 1ePD S Rescue and Recovery 73q! pdaguien.ini D~ 1. 9CTBN}4( getlist.txt D~: \preboot\usrintfc\pdaguien.ini 2. +D~mf* c:\temp\getlist.txt# 3. Z|na>{&dkTB|n: c:\RRUTIL-g c:\temp\getlist.txt c:\temp + pdaguien.ini D~EX Rescue and Recovery 73 Z|nP"vTB|n: C:\RRUTIL.EXE -p c:\temp ":PUT(-p)}L9C GET(-g)}LP4(D?<a9#*K}7EC`-}DD...
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": a. IZ Rescue and Recovery 73;&m?<D~,rKb)D~;GX*D#O v5wJCZdCFcz1I\h*DNNh8}/Lr# b. IZ Windows PE D^F,1"am|B1zI\XkV$&C;)dC&CL rrhC# 6. *+h8}/LrEk Rescue and Recovery 73,kZ|nPPdkTB|n: C:\RRUTIL.EXE -p C:\temp >} 2:+#?f"XFw}/Lr(g SATA)mS= Predesktop 1. Z \minint\system32\ B4(;vS?<C4ECK}/Lr# 2. + *.sys 4F= \minint\systme32\drivers P# 3. + \minint\system32\winpeoem.sif |B*|,_P}/LrDS?<(}g,S 4.3 9( 37 liKD~) # 4.
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v m 620 qX v _ 506 qX Xk+D~EZ \PREBOOT\USRINTFC ?<P,T9 Rescue and Recovery Lr\; JVZ{D30# ":*q!"`-Mf; mainbk.bmp D~,kNDZ 26 3D:9C RRUTIL.EXE;# `- pdagui.ini *|Dsfeu?,G4h*`- pdaguixx.ini D~(dP xx *8(DoT) #*Kb PXS Rescue and Recovery 73q! pdaguixx.ini T0f;CD~DE",kNDZ 26 3D:9C RRUTIL.EXE;# Rescue and Recovery LrDsfePP 22 vu?#d;&\w;`,,+?vu? <_P`,Dy>*X#BfG;vsfeu?>}: [LeftMenu] button00=2, "Introduction", Introduction.bmp, 1,...
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m 18. u?`MN} ( x ) 4%`M t/"H}#9CC5?F73ZLx.0H}Qt/&CLrD5 Xk#5Xkh*Z73d? %errorlevel% P# t/&CLr#GUI Zt/&CLr.0lwzRrXxzkMoT# b) CGI E>+r*4T3vzRrXxr_C3VoT`4D Web (eu?VN: Button00=[0-10], "title" 4%`MN}sDD>8(4%DD>rjb#g{D>,vsfeDmH, +XOCD>"T!TEm>sf9P|`V{#g{9C|!=oz,+T >j{DjbD># Button00=[0-10], "title", file.bmp ZjbD>s,**4(D4%8(*w*d<jD;<DD~{#*7#s !OJ,C;<;\,v 15 x 15 qX# Button00=[0-10], "title", file.bmp, [0 or 1] ChC8>73T>r~Xu?#5 0 ~Xu?#g{+5hC* 0,+T> UP#5 1 T>u?# Button00=[0-10], "title", file.bmp, [0 or 1], 1 bG;v#t&\,Xk<UhC* 1#...
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Line05 = "*Configure your system settings and passwords" Line06 = "your system settings and passwords" Line07 = "*Communicate using the Internet and link to the Lenovo support site" Line08 = "use the Internet and link to the Lenovo support site"...
Page 45
NoShowCk =0 WelcomeTitle = "Arial Bold" WelcomeText = "Arial" WelcomeBold = "Arial Bold" TBhCCZC'gfOD0jb8oz1&\: v Command0 *y>oz3ft/D HTML 3f# v Command1 Lenovo mI-i HTML 3f# v HELP v LICENSE v CANCEL v Command0 %tvtdrive%Preboot\Helps\en\f_welcom.htm v Command1 %tvtdrive%Preboot\Helps\en\C_ILA.htm *~X06-10Z,k+ NoShowCk=0 |D* NoShowCk=1#*|DjbM6-D>D T>Ve,ky]zDVehFW!n`-O}Dns}PZ]#...
}%v'V4 *Z Windows PE P~X0V4*v'Z]1!n,kX|{D~ \preboot\recovery\ Recover.cmd,r<PM;aT>C!n#TszITKPCX|{D .cmd D~TSv 'Z]PV4#g{Q}%~qVx,M^h4PC=h# dC Opera /@w Opera /@wP=vdCD~,1!dCD~Mn/dCD~#C'IT|Dn/dC D~,+XBt/ Rescue and Recovery Lr1|D+*'# *T/@wxP@C|D,k`- opera6.ini M norm1.ini D1>,b=vD~;Z %systemdrive%(C:)ODD~P76 C:\PREBOOT\OPERA\PROFILE P#opera6.ini D Y1n/1>;Z ramdrive(Z:)OD Z:\PREBOOT\OPERA\PROFILE ?<P# ": 1. *q!"`-Mf; opera6.ini M norm1.ini D~,kNDZ 26 3D:9C RRUTIL.EXE;# 2.
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7. #fD~# 8. (}9CZ 26 3D:9C RRUTIL.EXE;PhvD RRUTIL }LECD~#1K P Opera 1,+{CX78# (Fi) Opera /@wdC*A! ramdrive D~ Z:\OPERADEF6.ADR P("Di)#(}t /}LPDzkt/ Rescue and Recovery Lr1,+zICD~#t/}LT/<k Windows Internet Explorer i)"mS;)d{i)#r*t/1zID ramdrive D ~GY1D,yTC}Lr Internet Explorer mSi),b)i)GZt/ Rescue andRecovery 731T/<kD# zITE}?Vr+? Internet Explorer UXP#*E}X( Windows C'DUXP, k4PTBYw: 1.
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Use FTP=[0 or 1] Use GOPHER=[0 or 1] Use WAIS=[0 or 1] HTTP Server=[HTTP server] HTTPS Server=[HTTPS server] FTP Server=[FTP server] Gopher Server= [Gopher server] WAIS Server Enable HTTP 1.1 for proxy=[0 or 1] Use HTTP=[0 or 1] Use Automatic Proxy Configuration= [0 or 1] Automatic Proxy Configuration URL= [URL] No Proxy Servers Check= [0 or 1] No Proxy Servers =<IP addresses>...
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Download Directory=%OpShare% 4. + %OpShare% |D*?<Dj{76,C?<Gz*CZ#fBXD~D?<# 5. #f norm1.ini D~#XU"XBr* Rescue and Recovery Lrs,Opera a+ BXDD~#f=8(D?<# 6. (}9CZ 26 3D:9C RRUTIL.EXE;PhvD RRUTIL }L+D~EX-; ": 1. (FCZBXDj{76";\9C'#f?jD~(494SQX(r) # 2. Opera /@wdC*vBX .zip".exe M .txt D~`M,"R(F;\*b)D~ `M|D Opera P*#a)rXxCJG*KozC'o8MKP#vZ9C Res- cue and Recovery LrD?D,I6pD~`MD}?P;(D^F#g{h*+ dm;VD~`M,k4(;vfsITb9D .zip D~# 3.
Page 50
":szD:EM\@{ETZChCz'AXX*#!TNN;v{E< I\<BPmPDyPD~)9{;{C# c. +D~#f=?<76 C:\TEMP\# d. +D~4F= opera6.ini P# e. XBt/ Rescue and Recovery $wUdT9|Dz'# |D9CX()9{DD~DP* zIT(}f; norm1.ini D~PD5|DD~DP*#*(})9{|DD~P*, k4PTBYw: 1. XU Opera 0yPn/D Opera 0Z(|(ozD~) # 2. (}9CZ 26 3D:9C RRUTIL.EXE;PhvD RRUTIL }Lq! preboot\ opera\norm1.ini D~# 3. r**`-DD~# 4. R=D~D [File Types] Z#Qw*&mD)9{#}g,*+yP .txt D~#f = SWSHARE D~PP# 5.
Z 53 3D:8} 5 - &m Active Directory M ADM D~; v Z 54 3D:8} 6 - S\m8]4PczV4; v Z 54 3D:8} 7 - V$4( S LD~qVx; 8} 1:B7Fc >?VhvgNZBFvD Lenovo 7FFczO20 Rescue and Recovery Lr# <82L}/w ?p531WH&<G<8a)_53D2L}/w#*7#Se`D2L*<2 0,zXke}w2L}/wODw}<G<# 1.
Page 56
/WAIT msiexec /i "c:\SWTOOLS\Rescue and Recovery.msi" /qn REBOOT="R" :: Start the service. This is needed to create a base backup. start /WAIT net start "Rescue and Recovery Service" :: Make an ISO file here - ISO will reside in c:\Program Files\Lenovo\ Rescue and Recovery\rrcd ":g{53XB}<,G4;h*hC73#...
TK_LIBRARY=%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24 \tcl\tk8.4 set PYTHONCASEOK=1 set RR=C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\ set PYTHONPATH="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24" :: The next line will create the ISO silently and not burn it C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24\python C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\spi\mkspiim.pyc :: Take the base backup... service must be started cd "C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery"...
:: Place the updated version of the PDAGUIen into the RR c:\RRDeployGuide\RRUTIL\RRUTIL -p c:\RRDeployGuide\GuideExample\put ECHO. ECHO Reboot to the RR to see the change pause c:\Program Files\Lenovo\Common\BMGR\bmgr32.exe /bw /r Create getlist.txt: \preboot\usrintfc\pdaguien.ini 8} 2:Z OEM 53O20 >?VhvgNZ OEM FczO20 Rescue and Recovery Lr#*20 Rescue and Recovery Lr,2L}/wDw}<G<PXkPKvUPHx#Rescue and Recov-...
Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24\python c:\Program Files\ \Common Files\Lenovo\spi\mkspiim.pyc /scripted :: The next line will create the ISO with user interaction and not burn it :: c:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24\python c:\Program Files\ \Common Files\Lenovo\spi\mkspiim.pyc /scripted /noburn 8} 3 - Z Windows 7 P9C WIM D~xP20 Windows 7 ?pyZ9C ImageX DEL3q#ImageX 9CyZD~D3qk WIM D~,xGyZHxD3qq=#<G=bVq=/D"9,Z Windows 7 O20"...
a. Fw8]"(} Active Directory M LANDesk zIPXNKN1Fw8]D( b. xh3)iFw8]">}8]"wH!nT0\k^FD\&,;s|Db )iTi4b)hCGq#V;d# c. (} Active Directory,tC Antidote Delivery Manager#KPm~|"7#q! 8} 6 - S\m8]4PczV4 >?VhvgNS9C`FTB>}D|nP4(D\m8]4PczV4: rrcmd basebackup location=U level=100 name="admin backup on USB HDD" ":zIT|D name N}D5,Tc+8]4(=d{;C#TZ^D RRCMD N },kNDZ 57 3D:RRCMD |nPgf;# !qTB3V=(4PczV4: v =( A:9CTB|nPV453: rrcmd restore location=U level=100...
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c. Diskpart>format fs=ntfs label="SYSTEM_DRV" quick 13. ZVx 2 O20 Windows 7 Yw53# 14. 20jIs,G<= Windows# 15. +Vx 1 DL{|D* S# 16. $nVx 1# 17. + C:\boot*.* 4F= S:\,;sXBt/Fcz# 18. S Windows 7 20 DVD }<,;s%w^4FczT^4Yw53# 19. XBt/"G<= Windows# jIOv}Ls,a4(~qVx,"Ra+ RNR 4.3 M PDA D~4F= S L,x Gib~qVx# Z 4 B nQ5y...
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m 23. RRcmd N} ( x ) t / 8 C y > 8 ] # | ; a C w v ? 8 ] D y ! ( X k | , Basebackup location"name M level) #level Xk!Z 99#g{QfZm;v_P `, level Dy>8],C8]+;2G# 1XB}<Fczs,Z PreDesktop xrPxP8]Yw#C&\w Sysprepbackup...
* 4 ( D ~ q V x D s ! ( T W V Z * % size=x ;) # 4(~qVxD}/wE#g{;8(,+9 drive=x CZ;vG USB }/w#CN}GI!D# {97O*e}D}/w#CN}GI!D# ":bmgr32.exe D~Xkk createsp.exe D~;Z,;?<P"RXkS WinPE KP# InvAgent InvAgent |n;Z C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\InvAgent\IA.exe P# IA.exe 4(>X XML dvD~,"f"Z,;D~PP# bya4(;v XML D~#XML D~{G(}+FlL"ME`MMrPEiOZ ;p4(D,}g,Lenovo-2373Q1U-99MA4L7.XML# I9CTB|nPo(Z|nPKP(hLr: v -help T>rLDoz{"# v -listsections Pv53E"DyPIC?V# v -listtables Pv53E"DyP?VMm#...
Rescue and Recovery 73;Z~qVxP# Rescue and Recovery 73;Z C:\PARTITION(+}< Win- dows M Windows PE)P# Rescue and Recovery 73;Z_P DOS D~qVxP(+} < Windows PE M DOS;v^ Lenovo 7FD$0k) # Fcz;G Lenovo 7FDFcz#baZ*zTls?F4 /OEM F11(1!)|xPYNli#OgD53I\h*KN}#b 2G OEM f>D Rescue and Recovery LrD1!hC# vCZ20LrThCw}<G<9!LrITCJDd?#...
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#iM5X g{;P#iMms,+5X 0# v }<Vx ~qVxS 1 *<DVxmw}# v 8CVx 8r DOS I}<xrDVxmw}(g{fZ) # v -< MBR f"zwD-<w}<G<DHx`E# v IBM j> 4T}]HxD5(g{G IBM 7Fr Lenovo 7FD53,C5* 1;qr* 0) v }<dC T>CZhvzw<VD20!n#^[9C~qVx,9GibVx# v Xw{ }]HxMZ;vHxPR=DXw{5(&|,0NP1) # Rescue and Recovery 4.3 ?p8O...
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v ]#Vx1d T>1A;T> F11 {"1hH}Dk}(T ¼ k*%;) # v (hk }<A~qxr19CD|#F11 |D(hkG 85# v RR |;I BMGR 9C,I Rescue and Recovery LrhC# v H0n/Vx T>}<A~qxr1,H0n/VxDVxmw}# v }<4, 7(zwD104,: – 0 - }#}<AYw53# – 1 - }<A~qYw53 – 2 - S~qYw53}<X}#Yw53# v 8C}<j>...
ADM D~8>"amP+43b)hCD;C#b)hC+Z"amP;ZTB;C: m 29. "am;C Fcz_T HKLM\Software\Policies\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\ C'_T HKCU\Software\Policies\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\ 1!C'_T HKLM\Software\Policies\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\User defaults FczW!n HKLM\Software\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\ C'W!n HKCU\Software\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\ 1!C'W!n HKLM\Software\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\ User defaults i_ThC >?VPDma)kT Rescue and Recovery LrPi_TDhC# =< A. \m$_...
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Rescue and Recovery Bma)kT Rescue and Recovery LrD_T# m 30. \Rescue and Recovery T>"RTr~XwC'gfPDdC2+hC4%# ConfigureSecurityGUIOption T>"RTr~X9C\k4#$ Rescue and Recovery $wUdD GUI PDALogonGUIOption !qCZG< PDA DO$==# PDALogonMode T>"RTr~XCZdC\kV4D GUI !n# WindowsPasswordRecoveryOptioninGUI Bma)kThC!n(D_T: m 31. \Rescue and Recovery\Settings tCr{Cx(2LhC#1!5:{C# LockHardDisk tCr{CT73d?xPo(VvhC#1!5:tC# ParseEnvironmentVariables tCr{C8]0hC PP i5hC#1!5:tC# SetPPArchiveBeforeBackup hCkTxg2mDns2,XTN}#1!5:3#...
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m 32. \Rescue and Recovery\Settings\User interface ( x ) T>"RTr~XV4!nPDV4Yw53/& Restore RestoreOSApps CLr%!4%#1!5:T># S NTFS V4D~1T>r~X Fat32 Vx#1 Restore SFRRestoreNTFSToFat32 !5:T># T>"RTr~XlHD~Qw4%#1!5: Restore RescueFileSearch T># T>"RTr~X\kVC#f%!4%#1! Restore PasswordPersist 5:T># (}C'gfV41T>r~X0y>8]1 #1 Restore BaseBackup !5:T># (}C'gfV41T>r~X0\m18]1 # Restore AdminBackups 1!5:T># T>"RTr~XwHMW!nT0rPD08 Schedule and Preferences BackupLocation ];C1 #1!5:T>#...
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m 32. \Rescue and Recovery\Settings\User interface ( x ) T>"RTr~Xr/C'gfPDV44%# Simplified Restore 1!5:T># T>"RTr~Xr/C'gfPD|D8]! Simplified ChangeBackupOptions n4S#1!5:T># T>"RTr~Xr/C'gfPDoz4%# Simplified Help 1!5:T># T>"RTr~Xr/C'gfPDlYV44 Simplified QuickRestore %#1!5:T># T>"RTr~Xr/C'gfPDj+4%# Simplified FullRestore 1!5:T># T>"RTr~Xr/C'gfPD>}8]! Simplified Delete Backups n#1!5:T># T>"RTr~Xr/C'gfPD8]{F! Simplified Backup Name n#1!5:T># g{20K Factory Recovery Lr,T>"RT Simplified FactoryRecovery r~Xr/C'gfPDV4v'hC%!4...
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33. \Rescue and Recovery\Settings\Backup ( x ) tCr{C+8]=Z~v}/ww*y!D8 BackupSecond ]?j#1!5:{C# ": 1. g{IZUd;c<B~qVx8]'\, kHV$>}'\D8],;s"Tm;N 8]r"TS'\D8]V4# 2. Z+~qVx8]=b?iJ1,kHhC TB"am|,;s9C Rescue and Recov- ery LrV453: HKLM\Software\Lenovo\ Rescue and Recovery\ Settings\Backup\ BackupSPNetwork=1 tCr{C+8]= USB w*y!D8]? BackupUSB j#1!5:{C# ": 1. g{IZUd;c<B~qVx8]'\, kHV$>}'\D8],;s"Tm;N 8]r"TS'\D8]V4# 2.
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m 33. \Rescue and Recovery\Settings\Backup ( x ) *Z USB }/wO8]hCVxE#P'5: USBPartitionNumber 1-100#1!5:1# *ZZ~v2L}/wO8]hCVxE#P' SecondHDDPartitionNumber 5:1-100#1!5:1# !q&8]DVx#DWORD(+V)G&|, Backup Partitions Z8]PD_-L{D;<# *q!L{D}7.yxF5,kSRrsEP L{(}g,...HGFEDCBA),"**8]DV xC 1# >}:g{v8] C: LM E: L,G4+q!~ xF5 00010100#.yxF5* 0x00000014,. xF5* 20# ":dk5.0k+.yxF}*;*.xF }#1!5:0xFFFFFFFF#dk 0 `FZdk1 !5,4iRyPICDVx"xP8]# n s 8 ] s ! ( T G B * % ; ) # P ' 5 * MaxBackupSize 1-1000#1!5:ICUd# JmDnsv?8]N}#P'5:2-31#1!
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m 33. \Rescue and Recovery\Settings\Backup ( x ) hC4P8]yhDICUd]?(GB) # RequiredGBFreeSpace ZC'!q;XTT/kxg,=sYNa>C AutosyncRetryNetwork '.0DVS}# g{C'#{Z Rescue and Recovery Lr*<8]0KPNN&CLrrE>,G49C0Prebackup1 # Z8]Yw.0KPD|n#g{76;Z73 PreBackup d?P,G4|,D~Dj{76#1!5: CZ+]Z8]Yw.0KPD|nDN}#1 PreBackup PreParameters !5:^# T>r~XZ8]Yw.0KPD|n#1! PreBackup PreShow 5:T># 0Postbackup1CZZ8]YwjI1KP&CLrrE>#Z Windows Vista r Windows 7 Yw53P,k7#&C LrrE>;G;%=D#qr,yP<NC'gf+Z Windows ~qa0P/v,xC'D9c";a;Zb)gf# bG Microsoft Windows Yw53DhF# Z8]ax.sKPD|n#g{76;Z73 PostBackup...
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m 34. \Rescue and Recovery\Settings\Restore ( x ) CZ+]Z4PS Windows V4DYw.sKPD|nDN}# PostRestore PostWinRestoreParameters 1!5:^# T>r~XZ4PS Windows V4DYw.sKPD|n#1! PostRestore PostWinRestoreShow 5:T># Z4PS Rescue and Recovery $wUdV4DYw.sKPD PostRestore PostPDARestore |n#g{76;Z73d?P,G4|,D~Dj{76#1 !5:^# CZ+]Z4PS Rescue and Recovery $wUdV4DYw. PostRestore PostPDARestoreParameters sKPD|nDN}#1!5:^# T>r~XZ4PS Rescue and Recovery $wUdV4DYw PostPDARestoreShow .sKPD|n#1!5:T># 53Xz...
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3dxg}/w Bma)kT3dxg}/w&\D_ThC# m 37. \mnd\Rescue and Recovery 3dDxg}/wD UNC ;C(q= \\server\share) #1!5:^# 9C mapdrv.exe /view |n*CVN4(S\D5#1!5:^# User *3dDxg}/w4(1!\k#1!5:^ wHLrNq Bma)kTwHLrNqD_ThC# m 38. \Scheduler\Tasks g{0wHD8]==1dC*0?B1,G4bJm!qZ?BD8E4PwHD8 DayOfMonth ]#1!5:^# g{0wHD8]==1dC*0?\1,G4bJm!qZGZ84PwHD8]#1 DayOfWeek !5:^# !qZ8cS4PwHD8]#P'5:0–23#1!5:^# Hour !qZ8V4PwHD8]#P'5:0–59#1!5:^# Minute Z4PwHD8]Nq.0KPD|n#|,D~Dj{76#1!5:^# CZ+]Z4PwHD8]Nq.0KPD|nDN}#1!5:^# PreParameters Z4PwHD8]Nq.sKPD|n#|,D~Dj{76#1!5:^# Post CZ+]Z4PwHD8]Nq.sKPD|nDN}#1!5:^# PostParameters Rescue and Recovery 4.3 ?p8O...
\^C'M_6C'h*XBdkC 'j6M\kE\G<= Predesktop 4(1HL \m1I9CTB|nP4(1HL ISO#b)|nPICZFwyhD ISO D~, CD~+T/EC= C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery\rrcd\ ?<P: :: This line will create the ISO silently and not burn it c:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24\python c:\Program Files\Common Files \Lenovo\spi\mkspiim.pyc /scripted :: This line will create the ISO with user interaction and not burn it c:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24\python c:\Program Files\Common Files \Lenovo\spi\mkspiim.pyc /scripted /noburn...
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BPuoG Lenovo Z@zM/rd{zRrXxDLj: Lenovo Rescue and Recovery ThinkVantage Microsoft"Internet Explorer"Windows M Windows Vista G Microsoft +>/EDL Intel G Intel Corporation Z@zMd{zRrXxDLj# d{+>"z7M~q{FI\Gd{+>DLjr~qjG# Rescue and Recovery 4.3 ?p8O...