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A l l u s e f u l l i n f o r m a t i o n t o s u c c e e d i n y o u r p r i n t i n g b u s i n e s s G T - 3 T H E S E R I E S v 1.0 A reference guide for all GT-3 Series users...
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS > Mandatory Temperature & Humidity Requirements: TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY ° ° NOZZLE CHECK Always Platen at level A. Menu > Test Print > CMYK > If not all the nozzles are firing, start a cleaning. Only a few missing, then Normal Cleaning If more then 10, perform Powerful Cleaning...
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HOW TO CLEAN PRINTHEADS Go to the menu: > Maintenance Nozzle Cleaning with green stick swabs and cleaning fluid... clean the outside of the nozzle metal plate with white stick swabs and cleaning fluid... clean the surface of the small inner plate with nozzles, only in one direction! PRE-TREATMENT RATIO 1 Liter 2 Liters...
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WEEKLY STANDARD MAINTENANCE > WHITE Maintenance Standard Procedure for GT3 Series Week White Tube Cleaning Daily Cleaning White White Agitation > WHITE Maintenance Standard Procedure for GT3 Series Week MAINTENANCE with WHITE AGITATION > 5 working days a week Min. 15 white prints a day! Week >...
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BROTHER WEB SITES & DOWNLOADS > Brother website: latest printer drivers & manuals gtuser bro_541 User : Password : USEFULL TOOLS FOR GT SERIES P-DIP SOFTWARE P-DIP will replace the existing “GT Separator PNG”. This program will recognize and open “.bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .png” formats.
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IF YOU DON’T WANT TO USE WHITE INK > For less than 2 weeks: You can leave White Ink in the white tube. However you must do necessary maintenance for white ink. > For more than 2 weeks: You have to use Maintenance Solution according to Instruction Manual. When you stop to use white ink, please clean Caps, Nozzles and wiper blade of white Print Heads side.