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Self-Diagnosis Function; Specifications - Lenovo E74 User Manual

Lenovo crt television - color television user manual
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This monitor is equipped with a self-diagnosis
function. You can easily distinguish if the problem is
on the monitor or on the computer by using the
monitor's built-in selftest function. With the monitor
power ON, disconnect the signal cable from computer.
If you see a "NO SIGNAL" image on the screen, the
monitor is functioning properly, and the problem is
with the
side or signal cable.


S cre e n S i ze
1 7 in . vis ual d iago nal
Viewab le scre en size
1 5 .9 in.
Anti- Glare, Anti-
Reflective C o atin g*
D ot Pit ch
0 .2 7 mm d iago nal
0 .2 4 mm ho r izo nt al
D is pl a y Are a
D e fault
2 3 0 x 3 0 6 mm
(9 . 0 5 x 1 2 .0 4 in.),
typ ical
Full S can
2 4 2 x 3 2 2 mm
(H x W)
(9 . 5 2 x 1 2 .6 7 in.),
d ep end s o n sig nal timing
D is pl a y Colors
Infinit e
M a x .
1 2 8 0 Do ts x 1 0 2 4 Lin es
R e s olut ion
Co mpa tibi lit y
Grap hic mo d es wit h
ho rizo ntal freq uencies
b etwee n 3 0 K Hz to 6 9
K Hz
S y nchro n iza ti o n
Horizo ntal:
3 0 to 6 9 KHz
Ve rti ca l:
5 0 to 1 2 0 Hz
B a ndwidt h
1 1 0 M Hz
Input S igna l
Vid eo : RGB Analo g
S ync. : TTL S epar ate
S igna l Ca ble
1 5 - p in D- sub co n necto r


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This manual is also suitable for:

E74 fru40y687140y7517

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