Searching for Access Point Radios (GUI)
Command or Action
Step 3
show ap mac-address mac_address join stats
Switch# show ap mac-address
000.2000.0400 join stats summary
Step 4
show ap mac-address mac_address join stats detailed
Switch# show ap mac-address
000.2000.0400 join stats detailed
Step 5
clear ap join statistics
Switch# clear ap join statistics
Searching for Access Point Radios (GUI)
Step 1
Choose Monitor > Wireless > Access Points and click 802.11a/n/ac Statistics or 802.11b/g/n Statistics.
The 802.11 Radio pages are displayed. These pages show all of the 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n access point radios that
are associated with the switch and their current settings.
In a Cisco converged access environment, the 802.11a/n/ac and 802.11b/g/n radios should not be differentiated
based on their Base Radio MAC addresses, because they might have the same addresses. Instead, the radios
should be differentiated based on their physical addresses.
Step 2
From the Show drop-down list, choose Quick Filter.
The filter options (text boxes) appear in each of the column header in the table.
Step 3
Enter a keyword in the corresponding text boxes to specify the filter criteria based on which you want to search, and
click the Filter icon.
Monitoring the Interface Details (GUI)
Step 1
Choose Configuration > Wireless > Access Points > All APs.
The All APs page is displayed showing a list of access points that are associated with the switch.
Step 2
Click the access point name.
Lightweight Access Point Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3650 Switches)
Configuring the Switch for Access Point Discovery
Displays all the statistics for the AP including the last join
error detail.
Displays all join-related statistics collected for a specific
access point.
Clears the join statistics for all access points.
To clear the join statistics that correspond to specific
access points, enter the clear ap mac-address
mac_address join statistics command.