Nokia Customer Care
Measuring RX performance using SNR measurement
This measurement also provides an indication of the conducted sensitivity.
1. Start Phoenix Service Software
2. Establish connection to the phone.
From the File menu, choose "Open Product".
From the list, select RM-25.
3. From the Testing menu, choose RF Controls.
4. In the RF Controls window:
Select Band: GSM900/GSM1800/GSM1900
Set Active unit to RX.
iii Set Operation mode to Burst
iv Set Rx/Tx channel in the following way: EGSM900: 37, GSM1800: 700 and GSM1900: 661
5. From the testing menu (T) select SNR measurement (M). Then select Both.
6. Choose respective band, EGSM900, GSM1800 or GSM1900.
Press Start.
7. Follow the instructions for Signal generator set-up in the pop-up window.
Press OK.
Read the SNR result. SNR should be > 18dB.
Check the sensitivity value.
The set-up should now look like this (the pop-up window also included in the picture for reference):
Measuring Rx module manually using oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer (EGSM900)
Spectrum analyzer level values depend on the probe type and should be validated using a known good sample.
The levels that are given here are measured using a high frequency probe.
Measuring with an oscilloscope at test points RXI (J730) or RXQ (J731) ) and RXID (J261) or RXQD (J262) is
recommended only if RSSI reading does not provide enough information.
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RF troubleshooting
9235618 (Issue 2)