destination-profile (Call Home)
S e n d c o m m e n t s t o n e x u s 3 k - d o c f e e d b a c k @ c i s c o . c o m
destination-profile (Call Home)
To create a user-defined destination profile, modify a predefined or user-defined destination profile, or
configure the message format for that new destination profile, use the destination-profile command. To
remove the destination profile, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
message-level level
message-size size
alert-group alert
Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS System Management Command Reference
destination-profile {CiscoTAC-1 | {{full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination}{message-level
level | message-size size}}} {alert-group alert | email-addr email-address | http url |
transport-method {email | http}}
destination-profile profile-name [alert-group alert | email-addr email-address | format {XML |
full-txt | short-txt} | http url | message-level level | message-size size | transport-method
{email | http}]
no destination-profile
Configures a destination profile for Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Configures a destination profile for plain text messages.
Configures a destination profile for short text message.
Specifies the Call Home message severity level. The range is from 0 to 9,
with 0 being the lowest urgency, and 9 the highest urgency.
Specifies the maximum message size. The range is as follows:
Associates one or more alert groups with a destination profile. The alert
group can be one of the following:
Specifies the e-mail address to which the alert should be sent.
full-txt-destination—From 0 to 5000000, and the default is 2500000.
short-txt-destination—From 0 to 100000, and the default is 4000.
CiscoTAC-1—5000000, which is not changeable.
All—All alert groups
Cisco-TAC—Cisco TAC events
Configuration—Configuration events
Diagnostic—Diagnostic events
EEM—EEM events
Environmental—Power, fan, and temperature-related events
Inventory—Inventory status events
License—Licensing events
Linecard-Hardware—Linecard-related events
Supervisor-Hardware—Supervisor-related events
Syslog-group-port—Syslog message events filed by the port manager
System—Software-related events
Test—User-generated test events
System Management Commands