Transfer Oil Level Check
1) Lift up vehicle and check oil leakage. Repair leaky
point, if any.
2) Remove oil level / filler plug (1) and check oil
contamination and oil level is lower end of oil level /
filler plug hole (2).
If oil is excessive dirty or insufficient, replace oil or
pour specified oil up to plug hole.
3) Apply sealant to thread of level / filler plug, and then
tighten it to specified torque.
"A": Sealant 99000–31260 (SUZUKI Bond
Tightening torque
Transfer oil level / filler plug (a): 23 N·m (2.3 kgf-
m, 17.0 lb-ft)
Transfer Oil Change
1) Before changing or inspecting oil, be sure to stop
engine and lift vehicle horizontally.
2) Check leakage.
If leakage exists, correct it.
Whenever vehicle is hoisted for any other
service work than oil change, also be sure to
check for oil leakage.
3) Remove oil filler plug (2).
4) Remove drain plug (1), and drain oil.
Repair Instructions
5) Apply sealant to thread of drain plug (1), and tighten
it to specified torque.
"A": Sealant 99000–31260 (SUZUKI Bond
Tightening torque
Transfer oil drain plug (a): 23 N·m (2.3 kgf-m,
17.0 lb-ft)
6) Pour new specified oil up to lower end of oil level /
filler plug hole (3).
It is highly recommended to use API GL-5
80W-90 gear oil.
Transfer oil specification
: API GL-5 (For SAE classification, refer to
viscosity chart [A] in figure.)
Transfer oil capacity
Reference: 0.6 liters (1.2/1.0 US/lmp. pt)
7) Apply sealant to thread of level / filler plug, and then
tighten it to specified torque.
"A": Sealant 99000–31260 (SUZUKI Bond
Tightening torque
Transfer oil level / filler plug (b): 23 N·m (2.3 kgf-
m, 17.0 lb-ft)