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Error Code Interpretation Examples; Example 1; Example 2; Example 3 - Nokia 6680 RM-36 Service Manual

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Nokia Customer Care

2.11 Error Code Interpretation Examples

This section presents three different examples of RF error code interpretation.

2.11.1 Example 1

ST_CDSP_RX_PLL_PHASE_LOCK self test gives "Fatal" result with error code:
This means that the total error code is
look a flowchart in section
for the code is "Hinku PLL is not locked".

2.11.2 Example 2

Some of the self-tests can return multiple errors at the same time.
For example: RF-BB interface (ST_CDSP_RF_BB_IF_TEST) self test gives "Fatal" result with
This means that the total error code without measurement values is
"0000 0000 0000
Bit mask
Bit mask
Troubleshooting can be continued with
there are errors with two error codes:

2.11.3 Example 3

Supply test for Hinku and Vinku (ST_CDSP_RF_SUPPLY_TEST) is slightly different self test from others
because there are both Vinku and Hinku errors shown in the same error code (
explained in section
For example: ST_CDSP_RF_SUPPLY_TEST gives "Fatal" result with error code:
This error code means that there are probably no errors in Hinku RX ASIC supply voltages because the
main part of the error code for Hinku is
Anyway, there are many errors with Vinku TX ASIC supply voltages. The main part of the error code for
Vinku is
0x0B, 0xBC
are multiple (8) errors found:
Bit mask
Bit mask
Bit mask
Bit mask
RX PLL phase lock self test (ST_CDSP_RX_PLL_PHASE_LOCK_TEST)
error code:
0x00, 0x09, ...
1001" in binary format. If we look closer there are multiple errors (2) found:
"---- ---- ----
---1" = "0x0001"
"---- ---- ---- 1---"
= "0x0008"
Supply test for Hinku and
and that's the same as "101110111100" in binary format. If we look closer there
"---- ---- ---- -1--"
"---- ---- ---- 1---"
"---- ---- ---1 ----"
"---- ---- --1- ----"
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved
"0x004" ("0000 0000 0000 0100"
0x00, 0x00 (=0x0000)
Company Confidential
Appendix A: RF Troubleshooting
0x00, 0x04
in binary format) and if we
and this is the same as
flowchart because
The format for error code is
0x0B, 0xBC, 0x00, 0x00, ...
and means the same as "no errors".
the meaning


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