The following photos show the states of the dustproof filter. [B] and [C] show the states in which cleaning is
- [A] shows the brand-new filter.
- [B] shows the filter entirely covered by dust.
- [C] shows the filter with the surface clogged with dust, as indicated by [a].
Field Remedy
1) Open the front cover, and clean the dustproof filter if it is contaminated. The dustproof filter
(FC8-9564-000) is a part which is periodically replaced every 2,000,000 sheets. Check the number of sheets
used, and replace the part as necessary.
2) Remove the inner cover and the primary charging assembly, and then clean it.
[Reference] The following parts of the primary charging assembly are periodically replaced every 500,000
sheets. Replace the parts according to paper usage.
- primary charging wire (FB4-3687)
- primary charging wire cleaner (FL2-0462)
- primary charging wire cleaner holder (FL2-2720)
- grid wire (FY1-0883)
[Replacement Parts]
FB4-3687 WIRE, CORONA, (primary charging wire)
FL2-0462 BLOCK, WIRE CLEANING PAD (primary charging wire cleaner)
FL2-2720 HOLDER, WIRE CLEANING PAD (primary charging wire cleaner holder)
FY1-0883 CORONA WIRE ROLL (100M) (grid wire)
pg. 99