Errors That Soft Halts the System
The following is a list of BIOS error messages that will cause a soft halt of the system and then the user will be prompted to
press F1 to continue or F2 to enter the system setup:
● Alert! Air temperature sensor not detected.
● Alert! Card-cage fan failure.
● Alert! CPU 0 fan failure.
● Alert! Chipset heatsink not detected.
● Alert! Operating is debug mode. Please populate memory in pairs for normal operation.
● Alert! Power supply fan failure.
● Alert! Previous fan failure.
● Alert! Previous processor thermal failure.
● Alert! Previous reboot was due to voltage regulator failure.
● Alert! Previous shutdown due to thermal event.
● Alert! Previous voltage failure.
● Alert! System battery voltage is low.
● Alert! Uncorrectable memory error previously detected at XXXXXXXXXh
● Alert! Unable to initialize fan controller.
● Plug and Play Configuration Error
Error That do not Halt the system
The following is a list of BIOS error messages that do not halt the system but will display a warning messages, pause for a few
seconds, and then continue to boot:
● Alert! Cover was previously removed.
● Alert! Error initializing PCI Express slot n (or bridge).
System messages
For a list of event and error messages generated by the system firmware and agents that monitor system components, see the
Dell Event and Error Messages Reference Guide at > OpenManage software.
Warning messages
A warning message alerts you to a possible problem and prompts you to respond before the system continues a task. For
example, before you format a hard drive, a message warns you that you may lose all data on the hard drive. Warning messages
usually interrupt the task and require you to respond by typing y (yes) or n (no).
Warning messages are generated by either the application or the operating system. For more information, see the
documentation that accompanied the operating system or application.
Diagnostic messages
The system diagnostic utilities may issue messages if you run diagnostic tests on your system. For more information about
system diagnostics, see
Using system diagnostics
Alert messages
The systems management software generates alert messages for your system. Alert messages include information,
status, warning, and failure messages for drive, temperature, fan, and power conditions. For more information, see
the systems management software documentation (Dell OpenManage Systems Management Overview Guide at
on page 94.
Troubleshooting your system