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Sdc Operations; Updating The Sdc Driver With Ip Address Changes; Detecting New Volumes - Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node User Manual

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Managing System Objects

SDC operations

Updating the SDC driver with IP address changes

Detecting new volumes

Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node AMS User Guide
run CLI commands, you must be logged in. Actual command syntax is operating-
system dependent. For more information, see the VxFlex OS CLI Reference Guide .
For individual SDSs—caching may be disabled at this level, even if caching in the
corresponding Storage Pool is enabled. Cache size can be configured at the SDS
When SDS caching is enabled, the default cache size is 128 MB.
The amount of RAM you can allocate for cache is limited by the amount of RAM on
the SDS server:
If the RAM is less than 32 GB, 50% of memory can be used for cache
If the RAM is more than 32 GB, 75% of memory can be used for cache
The maximum amount of RAM cache is described in "Product limits".
Only blocks up to 128 k in size will be cached. Any blocks larger than 128k will
be ignored by caching.
For a read to be stored in a specific SDS cache, you have to make sure that the
cache on that SDS is enabled, and the relevant Storage Pool and the relevant
volume are both configured to use cache.
Many SDC operations use drv_cfg. The drv_cfg command line is a local CLI utility that
affects only the client on which the SDC is running. Possible SDC operations include
updating the SDC driver with IP changes, detecting new volumes, querying volumes,
loading a configuration file, adding an MDM, modifying an MDM IP address, enabling
support of PDL state, and more.
1. Edit drv_cfg.txt and change the IP address in the last line to the new IP
Location of drv_cfg.txt:
Linux: /etc/emc/scaleio/
Windows: In the following registry key - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM
On ESXi, GUID and MDM lists are stored as module parameters, and not in
a drv_cfg.txt file. To modify these parameters, use esxcli commands.
2. Save and close the file.
3. Type the following command:
/etc/init.d/scini restart

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