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Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node User Manual page 52

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VxFlex Ready Node R640 and R740xd port designations - ESXi
Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node AMS User Guide
In ESXi environments, the AMS/discovery server must be on the same Layer 2
network as the ESXi management ports. This allows the use of the Broadcast protocol
for initial IP address configuration.
The BMC (iDRAC) IP address can reside on a different subnet and/or VLAN, and the
only requirement from the BMC (iDRAC) side is that the AMS (when used) must have
a routable IP Path to the BMC (iDRAC) IP address on the node.
The default configuration used in simple mode deployment follows the following rules
of thumb:
If there is a 1G NIC onboard, the left one of the pair is always used for the
management network.
If there are two PCI cards or more, the lowest slot number is used for allocation of
data ports. For example, if slots 2, 3 and 5 are populated with NICs, AMS uses
slots 2 and 3, and the left port on each PCI card is used for data.
You can always change the default using advanced deployment mode in
If there is only one NIC, the left 10G onboard port is used for the data network.
If there are only 2*25GbE onboard ports, the left port is used for both the
management and data network, and the right port for is used for data.
The application\client network will have to run on those same two ports.
If there are only 4*10G onboard ports:
The left port is used for management
The left port, and the third port from the left are used for VxFlex OS data
The second port from the left, and the right port are used for application\client
Connect the cables and configure the system in an ESXi-based system as shown in
the following tables, depending on the server type and architecture, when relevant.
The tables below show the most common correlation between the physical NIC port
location and the logical configuration in VMware. When using the same slot locations
as shown below, all settings but one setting are static and can be set by the AMS. The
vmnic number is the dynamic setting and is determined by the VMware bus scan and
boot logic. This number cannot be set persistently.
If you need to build your own table of reference, correlate the ESXi physical ports to
the vmnic logical port name.
In this AMS release, Advanced Deployment mode enables you to dynamically
select the port to be used in the server. It is recommended, but not mandatory,
that you use the VxFlex OS best practice ports. If the VLAN ID is defined, it must
also be configured on the switch side connected to the relevant selected port.
R740xd servers
In the following tables use SFP+ for 10 GbE, and SFP28 for 25 GbE ports.

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