Adding Fault Sets
Adding Storage Pools
d. Click OK.
e. If a confirmation window appears, confirm the operation, and type your
password if requested to do so.
3. To inactivate Protection Domains, perform these steps:
a. In the Backend
Protection Domains.
b. Right-click the Protection Domain and select Inactivate Protection
The Inactivate Protection Domain window is displayed.
c. Click OK.
If a confirmation window appears, confirm the operation, and type your
password if requested to do so.
4. To activate Protection Domains, perform these steps:
a. In the Backend
Protection Domains.
b. Right-click the Protection Domain and select Activate Protection Domain.
The Activate Protection Domain window is displayed.
c. Click OK.
About this task
Fault Sets provide additional safeguards for protecting your data against hardware
failure. Fault Sets are subsets of a given Protection Domain.
When defining Fault Sets, you must follow the guidelines described in "Fault
Sets". Failure to do so may prevent creation of volumes.
1. In the Backend
2. Right-click the Protection Domain and select Add Fault Set.
3. Type a name in the Fault Set Name box, and click OK.
The Fault Set will now be visible in the Related Objects section of the
Protection Domain's Property Sheet.
Use the CLI to remove Fault Sets.
About this task
A Storage Pool is a group of devices within a Protection Domain. Create Storage Pools
before you start adding devices to the system. Each time that you add devices to the
system, you must map them to either Storage Pools or Acceleration Pools.
You cannot enable zero padding after adding the devices. For more
information, see "Storage Pools".
Configuring the System using the VxFlex OS GUI
Storage view, navigate to, and select one or more
Storage view, navigate to, and select one or more
Storage view, navigate to, and select the Protection Domain.
Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node AMS User Guide