Security Management
Sign and update AMS security certificates
Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node AMS User Guide
A security certificate can be signed by exporting it from VxFlex OS, getting it signed
by the Certificate Authority (CA) server, and then importing it back into the system.
Afterwards, the Renew Certificates option updates the certificates on the VxFlex OS
Before you begin
Ensure that you can authenticate to the VxFlex OS GUI with an admin user.
About this task
The following procedure explains how to export a certificate from VxFlex OS, import it
back into the system after it has been signed, and then how to update VxFlex OS
components with the signed certificate.
This procedure is optional, and can be done before or after deployment.
1. From the System Settings menu at the top right side of the window, in any
view, select the System Settings option.
The System Settings window is displayed.
2. In the left panel, click Connection.
3. Export a certificate:
a. Scroll down to the Export AMS Certificate section, set the required
Certificate Key Length, and click Get Certificate.
A certificate file is created in CSR format, and a Save window is displayed.
b. Navigate to a location of your choice, and save the file.
4. On your CA server, sign the certificate (CSR) file.
5. Import the signed CSR file:
a. In the VxFlex OS GUI, return to the System Settings window, Connection
b. Scroll down to the Export AMS Certificate section, and click Import
An Open window is displayed.
c. Navigate to the signed CSR file, and click Open.
The signed certificate is imported into the system.
6. In the VxFlex OS GUI, from the System Settings menu at the top right side of
the window, select the Renew Certificates option.
The certificate renewal process will begin updating the certificates in VxFlex OS