Mapping volumes
Unmapping volumes
You can click the Add IP Address button to add up to a total of four IP
3. Click OK and then click Close.
The SDC IP addresses are approved and you can map volumes. The Approved IPs
column in the Frontend
Map one or more volumes to/from SDCs. Mapping exposes the volume to the
specified SDC, effectively creating a block device on the SDC.
About this task
For Linux devices, the scini device name can change on reboot. It is recommended
to mount a mapped volume to the VxFlex OS unique ID, a persistent device name,
rather than to the scini device name.
To identify the unique ID, run the ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ command. For more
information, see "Associate VxFlex OS volumes with physical disks". You can also
identify the unique ID using VMware. In the VMware management interface, device is
called EMC Fibre Channel Disk, followed by an ID number starting with the prefix eui.
To map volumes, perform these steps:
1. In any of the Frontend
2. From the Command menu or context-sensitive menu, select Map Volumes.
The Map Volumes window is displayed, showing a list of the volumes that will
be mapped.
3. In the Select Nodes panel, select one or more SDCs to which you want to map
the volumes.
You can use the search box to find SDCs.
If you select an SDC that is already mapped to the volume, a green icon will
appear in the mapping matrix on the right side of the window.
4. Click Map Volumes.
The progress of the operation is displayed at the bottom of the window. It is
recommended to keep the window open until the operation is completed, and
until you can see the result of the operation.
Unmap one or more volumes from SDCs.
1. In any of the Frontend
2. From the Command menu or context-sensitive menu, select Unmap Volumes.
The Unmap Volumes window is displayed, showing a list of the volumes that
will be unmapped.
Configuring the System using the VxFlex OS GUI
SDCs view displays which SDC are approved.
Volumes views, navigate to the volumes, and select
Volume views, navigate to the volumes, and select
Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node AMS User Guide