Prepare lockbox files for Java upgrade
Move ESXi hosts to a new vCenter and reconfigure AMS
Best practices for using VMware vMotion
Before changing the Java version of a node that is running the VxFlex OS Gateway or
AMS of VxFlex OS v2.5 or later, you must prepare lockbox-related files.
About this task
The lockbox in VxFlex OS v2.5 saves files in the Java folder of the VxFlex OS Gateway
and the AMS. These files need to be saved before any Java version update, then
pasted back into the folder.
1. From the java\jre<VERSION>\lib\ext (for Windows) or java/
jre<VERSION>/lib/ext (for Linux) Java folder, copy these files to a
different folder:
2. Update the Java version.
3. Paste these files back to the folder from where you copied them.
Move ESXi hosts to a different vCenter, and reconfigure the AMS accordingly.
Before you begin
About this task
The following steps summarize the workflow for moving ESXi hosts to a different
1. Verify that the target vCenter is up and running, and is accessible.
2. Connect the ESXi hosts to the new vCenter.
Refer to VMware guidelines on how to perform this, based on your vCenter
The AMS will display alerts indicating that hosts are not visible in the vCenter.
3. On the AMS, configure the IP addresses and credentials of the new vCenter.
For more information, see "Setting the vCenter" in the VxFlex Ready Node User
Guide .
4. Verify that the alerts in the AMS are no longer present.
To use VMware vMotion, set the vMotion status to Enabled for every ESXi.
The following ports can be used for vMotion on the ESXi. The recommended priority
indicates which ports VxFlex OS recommends be used in order to limit the impact on
VxFlex OS performance:
Dell EMC VxFlex Ready Node AMS User Guide
Common Tasks